Miner is a fourth class city operating under Mayor/Board of Alderman form of
government.  There are 4 board members, 2 from each ward, elected for two-year
terms.  Elections are held each April.

Council Members:
Ward 1 Council Member:
Frank Tatum

Ward 1 Council Member: Don Foster

Ward 2 Council Member: K
ay Johnson

Ward 2 Council Member:  Renee Clark

Mayor:  B
ill James

Regular Meeting Schedule:

The Board meets in regular session at 6:30 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of each
month at the Miner City Hall, 103 State Highway H.

Submit agenda items to the City Clerk in writing seven business days prior to the
date of the meeting
Phone:  573-471-8520
Fax:  573-471-1959